Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Rarely do I get this excited about a new purchase, but these are definately blog-worthy! VIBRAM FIVEFINGERS! There! I said it....I find myself grinning just thinking about them.
    Last Summer, I went on a ward couples trip (by myself) to Lake Powell for an amazing week on my bishops house boat. We went on a 6 hour hike through narrow canyons and after about 4 hours of climbing in my Chacos, I took them off and strapped them to my pack. Although, in the end my feet were two giant blisters- I had the funnest time running up rocks and climbing in my bare feet. I decided that I was going to invent a shoe that is designed just like a foot. I come to find that I am a few years behind and they have shoes called Vibram Fivefingers that are pretty much exactly what I had thought I invented. I have wanted them ever since and just recently decided that it has become more of a need than a want (my "needs" are just things I want reeeally bad). I pitched an idea to my husband Mike that I would ride my bike everywhere for 3 weeks and pay for the shoes with the gas money that I would've spent.........but It's been bad weather so I asked my awesome parents to pay half for my July.
     For anyone debating whether or not to get them- they're the ultimate! I prefer the KSOs over a thicker sole, however, if you're using them for running, you'll want a bit more support.
Vibram Fivefinger KSO
Lake Powell Hike

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